Kamis, 19 April 2012

VLD Week 1

Part A
Dear uncle,
I just got very terrible news about my family about the government accused us from doing something wrong. The government will separate us in the next day, but I refused to that, instead I will leave Jakarta before the separation happens. I am really sorry that I can’t surprise you for your birthday, but I wish the best luck for you. I don’t know that this could happen because I know that I did something wrong, however my actions it not very horrifying until the government wanted to separate us from each other. So I got no choice to leave Jakarta as soon as possible. We can still contact each other by using Skype or messenger in the computer.
In this type of conditions, I usually feel normal, but instead I feel very frustrated about the plans about leaving this country. I mean if I got caught red handed, I will be doomed forever, but if the plans worked I can stay in the new country and live like nothing just happened. I expect the new country would accept us and has a lot of educational school for me. I am still thinking if I need to change my name or passport or even my family’s name. The most important think of all is I should pray to God to help me and guide us the righteous way. When I pray to God already, I feel relief that God will help us throughout the escape mission. I feel extremely nervous because I haven’t done this before in my entire life.
I really want to go back to my homeland and visit u, uncle and rest of my family. I don’t want this to happen to us. I mean can this happen to another family rather than us. I hope you can keep our money in Jakarta safely and help grandma and grandpa if they need some help.
                                                                                                                                                Sincerely , Andrew
Part B
I would feel the same as Quan because when something bad happens to me or my family, I still be tough and fix things right. I don’t quickly feel nervous or unsure of making a decision. I can be a very great leader to the family because I can lead the family easily. If one of my members pass away, I don’t cry and just keep it in my heart.

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