Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Project #3 Bible Story

Me and the Ark
            I was on this journey to save all mankind in the entire world. How cool is that. But before, I tell you the whole story, I want to introduce my children Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
            It was started when I saw how arrogant and evil man is. Well not for me, I am a righteous man, God’s follower. In a sudden, I heard God’s voice that God was going to swept mankind off in the face of the earth. I was surely terrified that I was going to die too. God then told me to make this gigantic ark to safe my wife, kids, and some of the animals. I was also being told that is should be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. I was really surprised that God had told me that.
            The next morning, I was getting started to make a monstrous ark and honestly I don’t even knew how to built one of this. But oh well. I worked every day, every night, without any hesitation and I worked until the very last drop of my sweat.
            Finally, the ark that I build four hundred and thousands of years was finish. But suddenly, a drop of water comes out from the sky, and then a drizzle, and then massive water comes out from the gate of heaven, falling to the dirt of earth for 40 days and 40 nights. I quickly gather all my family to the ark and I told them to bring their favorite animals. I cruise the ship 24 hours, without taking a rest. I was really exhausted, but what can I do. The frightening water hits my ark from left to right and right to left, and the thunder was roaring like it never roar before. It was nightmare for a normal human being.
            At last, the gate of heaven was closed and there was no more rain. Our hearts were now filled with joy. I stepped outside for a better look for the view. I sent some dove that I already trained to check whether it was still flood or not. I waited several more days until a dove came back with a freshly lucked olive leaf. That was the sign that the flood was already drained from the earth. Then I saw this double beautiful rainbow coming out from the sky making the happiest time of my life.
Word count: 408         Genesis 6-8

1. The first thing I did is read the whole story of Noah. I choose Noah because he helped his family and some of the animal from the giant flood and I thought that he plays a big role on this survival mission. After I read the whole story, I chosen only the part where he made the ark and save the animal and his family. Then I summarize it with my own word and uses the first point of view which I became Noah. The part that I leave out was the one rest of the story other than the 'Survival mission'.

2. Becoming other person is the most difficult stuff. I mean I should be somebody else that is not me. I am trying to be what I am not. I should have the same feeling and attitudes as what Noah's have and that is really hard.

3. I think that becoming someone else is also fun. I know that it's really difficult, but I can learned how someone's feel . I can know how that person feel about this..., about that.... Everything!

1 komentar:

  1. Andrew, I like how you "became Noah" and included his thoughts and feelings. Your introduction is engaging and your story kept my interest all the way to the end. Great job. 15/15
