Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Project #5 - Biography

Mulyana Kasim (c. 1962-present), Father
There is lots of heroic, wise, and hardworking man in the world like superman, Barack obama, etc. But my dad in my opinion is way better than all of those. Is name is Mulyana Kasim. In 16 August 1962, he opens his eyes for the first time to see the world. He was born with two sisters. He lived in Jakarta near the continent of Australia. He is the best dad that I have.
            He own a company called” harry jaya Sejati” which they produces big cold storage that is used in a restaurant. This job is really important to him because it’s not quite hard, but gives lots of salary to my dad, R 20 000 000 million per month. Without the help of that money I can’t afford to go to school in IICS. He also had some problem such as when a car hits his car in the middle of the road. Instead he goes to his office using a motorcycle.
            Other than working in a company, he joined the military forces for 2 years. He and his friends love to ride tanks. Sometimes in the weekdays, he had some free time and that free time is used to go work out his muscles in the gym. Now he already has some big muscles.
            He really loves his mother because his mother always helps him when he doesn’t know what to do anymore and give him some good advice about life and work. When he is sick, he likes to go to his mother first rather than going to the doctor.
            I really admire my father because he never gives up and he keeps getting forward until he achieves something special. My uncle used to say to me,” Your father has a nice personality, big luck, and never gives up. He likes to help his family when in danger and gives money to you when needed”.
This biography teach me a lot of lessons. Now I know that my father is an important person. Without him, I can't buy stuff or go somewhere. He also become my hero.            

Kamis, 09 Februari 2012


A stands for Andrew, a boy who you really want to meet. I lived in Jakarta with my family. My family likes to say,” Never leave single rice on that plate”. I mean how I can do it, like I should eat the rice on by one, it’s so not cool.
B stands for Barcelona, The country in Spain. It has the best team at football called Football Club Barcelona or everybody likes to call it Fc Barcelona and Fifa winner player named Lionel Messi. Some fans likes to scream,” Come on Barcelona, Goal till u die”.
D stands for Dog, The most loyalty pet other that all kind of pet. One blind man says,” when I’m crossing the road, my dog helps cross it, But sometimes I got hit by car. It also brings us joy and happiness when I just have a bad day.
H stands for Hangover, The song which I heard every day before going to school. This song has a really catchy rhythm and Taio Cruz is the singer for this song. But when I check what the meaning of hangover is, it makes me frozen for 5 minutes because it’s about drunk, so technically I’ve been listening how to be drunken everyday in the morning. My friends also say,” This beat is really catchy”.
I stands for Ice Cream, The heavenly cold dessert with a crunchy golden cone below it holding the ice cream. My brother also likes to eat ice cream in the summer (of course not in the winter) and he likes to give me advice for eating an ice cream,” The best ice creams come with the best toppings”. He’s actually right, I do love to use some topping on my ice cream like marshmallow, chocolate chip, mocha and some other toppings.
J stands for Jurassic Park, The deadliest rollercoaster that I had gone ride. I gives my heart a thrill that never be forgotten. Some people who ride this said to me,” You scream when falling and stop when you touch the water”. When I heard this, it convinces me more to play this ride in the 
Universal Studios

L stands for lamborghini, The fastest vehicle in the whole universe. It has the speed of light and a body of a lion. The customers who bought this cars says to me," when you drive, you can't even touch the ground anymore(it's like flying)".Even though this car is ultra expensive, it's still be the dashing and dreaming cars that the other all cars.
P stands for Pizza, the most triangular food in the entire world. Lots of toppings we can use to eat the pizza. The crunchy crust in the edge of the pizza makes my mouth drooling for hours.
S stands for Seal Online, The best game which I played it at home with my friends. My friends say,” Downloading Seal is not regretting”. It entertains me whenever I go. You see, it ‘seals’ my sadness, and ‘unseal’ my happiness.
T stands for Transformer, The lamest and lack of animation movies that I have watched (ironic). It’s about these destructive robots killing each other to save their world. In my movie review, I like to say,” How can a robot move and talk likes human, I mean the robot doesn’t have any emotion.

U stands for Uni ball, the best pen that I used at school. The pen is really comfortable when used to write, not for anything else because that will be suck. At school, I like to say,” this pen is so good, until I finished it fast”. Technically if the pen is finished, it’s nothing. The good pen becomes nothing.
V stands for Volleyball; the game which the ball is going to be’ volleyed’ is one of the sport that I’m good at. My teammates like to say to me,” volleyball is in our blood line”. I don’t really know what 
that means so I just keep smiling, until he walked away.

2.Objective Details:

  • Volleyball is one of the sport that I'm good at because I am really good at playing volleyball, I join the team and fight against other school in IJO( Ipeka Junior Olympics)
  • Seal Online, The best game which I played it at home with my friends Because I play this game with my friend, Sean.
  • Barcelona, It hast the best football team because One of the players, win the best fifa player in 2009 or 2008, Lionel Messi
  Subjective Details:

  • Lamborghini is the fastest car because I really love that car so everybody think that car is really fast. 
  • Hangover has a really catch rhythm because so everyone will also like that car
  • Uni ball is the best pen because so everyone think that I have the best pen.

3. I am really good at making description for my story, but I am not so good at using vivid words.

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Project #3 Bible Story

Me and the Ark
            I was on this journey to save all mankind in the entire world. How cool is that. But before, I tell you the whole story, I want to introduce my children Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
            It was started when I saw how arrogant and evil man is. Well not for me, I am a righteous man, God’s follower. In a sudden, I heard God’s voice that God was going to swept mankind off in the face of the earth. I was surely terrified that I was going to die too. God then told me to make this gigantic ark to safe my wife, kids, and some of the animals. I was also being told that is should be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. I was really surprised that God had told me that.
            The next morning, I was getting started to make a monstrous ark and honestly I don’t even knew how to built one of this. But oh well. I worked every day, every night, without any hesitation and I worked until the very last drop of my sweat.
            Finally, the ark that I build four hundred and thousands of years was finish. But suddenly, a drop of water comes out from the sky, and then a drizzle, and then massive water comes out from the gate of heaven, falling to the dirt of earth for 40 days and 40 nights. I quickly gather all my family to the ark and I told them to bring their favorite animals. I cruise the ship 24 hours, without taking a rest. I was really exhausted, but what can I do. The frightening water hits my ark from left to right and right to left, and the thunder was roaring like it never roar before. It was nightmare for a normal human being.
            At last, the gate of heaven was closed and there was no more rain. Our hearts were now filled with joy. I stepped outside for a better look for the view. I sent some dove that I already trained to check whether it was still flood or not. I waited several more days until a dove came back with a freshly lucked olive leaf. That was the sign that the flood was already drained from the earth. Then I saw this double beautiful rainbow coming out from the sky making the happiest time of my life.
Word count: 408         Genesis 6-8

1. The first thing I did is read the whole story of Noah. I choose Noah because he helped his family and some of the animal from the giant flood and I thought that he plays a big role on this survival mission. After I read the whole story, I chosen only the part where he made the ark and save the animal and his family. Then I summarize it with my own word and uses the first point of view which I became Noah. The part that I leave out was the one rest of the story other than the 'Survival mission'.

2. Becoming other person is the most difficult stuff. I mean I should be somebody else that is not me. I am trying to be what I am not. I should have the same feeling and attitudes as what Noah's have and that is really hard.

3. I think that becoming someone else is also fun. I know that it's really difficult, but I can learned how someone's feel . I can know how that person feel about this..., about that.... Everything!